Saturday, September 09, 2006

Foot Pain

Boy am I feeling better! The last time that I blogged, I was complaining quite a bit. Sorry about that folks! I went to the Dr.'s and got a cortisone shot. It really helped! I was able to take a nice long walk today. I'm sure happy about that!
Other items to note.... Today is my Birthday! I got my hair done today and treated myself to some breakfast. Later in the day I had coffee at a local shop called Cherry Alley Cafe. Good stuff!
I started my bag for the International Tote Exchange2 today. Spent a chunk of money on the yarn, so I hope that my partner likes it..... (I do) Take care everyone!

1 comment:

Nonna Rose said...

Happy belated birthday! My husband has been having a horrible time with a heel spur. He got a cortisone shot last week and is doing therapy!! He said the pain was unbearble. I'm glad you're feeling better.